Category Archives: Video

Video: Career Interview with Andrea McClain of M Street Coffee – Indie Coffee Bar Owner

A conversation with Andrea McClain, owner of M Street Coffee ( in Sherman Oaks, California. Recorded for CareerCamp Online 2009. We talk about Andrea’s career path and the challenges of running your own business and being an entrepreneur. Subscribe to … Continue reading

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Video: A Year of Self Preservation with Douglas E. Welch – A presentation to Tuesdays with Transitioners

I was invited out to speak to the career group, Tuesdays with Transitioners, in what has become an annual presentation. This year I present “A Year of Self Preservation.” You can watch the entire presentation below in this YouTube video. … Continue reading

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Video: 2 Years Ago Today: Production, Promotion and Being Proactive in Your Career

Join me tomorrow (February 19, 2013) for my next presentation at Tuesdays with Transitioners, A Year of Self Preservation. I will be recoding that talk, too, and will post it here sometime this week.  Complete info at the Tuesdays with … Continue reading

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Career Opportunities 2012 – Listen to all the shows from this year!

Here is a linked list of all the shows from 2012, just in case you missed some along the way. If you aren’t subscribed to the podcast, please consider it. When you subscribe you receive each new show automatically in … Continue reading

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Career Videos on the Douglas E. Welch YouTube Channel

Each of my blogs has a section on my YouTube Channel where you can check out and share the various videos you see here. You can find all the career-related videos in this YouTube Playlist for the Career Opportunities column … Continue reading

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Archive: Career Tip: Translating Tech Speak

From the YouTube Archives, a Career Tip… Can’t see the video above? View this Career Tip on YouTube Read more on this topic: Video: Career Tip – Learning every day In this Career Tip – You should be learning something… … Continue reading

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Video: What is success…and why you might have it already! from CareerCampSCV 2012

Douglas E. Welch ( presents “What is success….and why you might have it already!” at CareerCampSCV (Santa Clarita Valley) 2012 ( There has been a “perversion” of the meaning of success these days with only the extremely famous or rich … Continue reading

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Video: Career Compass: Finding Your Career North from CareerCampSCV 2012

Douglas E. Welch presents “Career Compass: Finding Your Career North” at CareerCampSCV (Santa Clarita Valley) 2012 ( Can’t see the video above? Watch “Career Compass: Finding Your Career North” on YouTube   Buy the Career Compass eBooklet in the Amazon … Continue reading

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Books by Douglas E. Welch

  The High-Tech Career Handbook: The Best of Career Opportunities 1998-2003 30,000 Words Navigating the special difficulties of a high-tech career can be troublesome for workers, young and old. Career Opportunities, a weekly column for ComputorEdge Magazine in San Diego, … Continue reading

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Video: Career Tip – Learning every day

In this Career Tip – You should be learning something every day in your work and in your life. If you aren’t, it could be a sign that you need to find a more challenging job. If you aren’t learning … Continue reading

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