Category Archives: News/Opinion

Read it now! — “Do the work” by Steven Pressfield – Free

I have just finished reading Do the work by Steven Pressfield and would highly recommend you do the same. In fact, I am thinking that I will make it (and Pressfield’s earlier book, The War of Art) required reading before … Continue reading

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Elsewhere Online: The IT Career Builder’s Toolkit new video series

My friend, Matt Moran, has re-launched the web site for his book, The IT Career Builder’s Toolkit and he is starting a new career-focused video series. Visit his web site (link below) for complete information and videos. Matt will be … Continue reading

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Get Career Opportunities via email

You can subscribe to Career Opportunities via Email and receive each new post and podcast in your Inbox. Subscribe to Career Opportunities by Email Read more on this topic: Get Career Opportunities Via Email You can receive Career Opportunities content … Continue reading

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Career-Op Gift Guide # 8: The Five Dysfunctions of a Team: A Leadership Fable

# 8 The Five Dysfunctions of a Team: A Leadership Fable Here is a review of the book I wrote back in 2003. I just finished this book tonight (I have been on a reading binge lately) and was very … Continue reading

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Career-Op Gift Guide # 5: The Creative Habit and The Collaborative Habit by Twyla Tharp

# 5 The Creative HabitThe Collaborative Habit Two excellent books by choreographer Twyla Tharp delve into the creative process and collaborating with others. The books give an in-depth view of both her work and how she creates it. There is … Continue reading

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Career-Op Gift Guide # 4: Thinking for a Change by John C. Maxwell

# 4 Thinking for a Change by John C. Maxwell This is on the short list of books which I will buy for my firends and aquaintances whenever they come to me with issues with organization or managing their time. … Continue reading

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Career-Op Gift Guide # 3: Drive by Daniel Pink

# 3 Drive by Daniel Pink Author Daniel Pink delves deep into the science of motivation and comes out with some conclusions that might surprise you. Is money really the greatest human motivator? In some specific cases, yes, but in … Continue reading

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Career-Op Gift Guide # 2: Getting Thing Done by David Allen

# 2 Getting Things Done by David Allen This is one of my perennial gift guide favorites. You don’t need to make GTD into a near-religion like some have done, but it provides an excellent framework for looking at your … Continue reading

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Career-Op Gift Guide # 1: Linchpin by Seth Godin

# 1 Linchpin by Seth Godin If you have friends or family looking to start or build their career, any of Seth Godin’s books would be a great gift idea. Seth always has a new take on the work world, … Continue reading

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Elsewhere Online: More on Change – A Slideshare presentation

I seem to be coming across a lot of information on change lately. Here is a Slideshare deck on that topic which I found to be quite on-target. Chaos theory View more presentations from Tamsen McMahon. Read more on this … Continue reading

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