Category Archives: News/Opinion

All About Douglas – Choosing what you want to see and hear

I have a lot of interests, as most of you already know. Therefore, I have a lot of different blogs, events,  and groups in my portfolio of online engagements. I also try to make myself available wherever people want to … Continue reading

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Cultivating Your Career Reputations eBook now available!

In case you haven’t heard it elsewhere  — on the Career Opportunities blog, in the Twitter Feed or Facebook Page — I am here to announce the release of my latest career ebook, Cultivating Your Career Reputations. Listen to the … Continue reading

Posted in Audio, Books, Career Tips, News/Opinion, Podcast, Show, Special | 3 Comments

New eBook: Cultivating Your Career Reputations – Coming in December 2011

Pssst! – Career-Op listeners and readers…This book just became available in the Kindle Store. Check it out before everyone else finds out! — Douglas While we often talk about one, monolithic, Reputation – with a capital R — I believe … Continue reading

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Keep informed of Career Opportunities Events and News – Join the mailing list today!

Subscribe to our mailing list Read more on this topic: Join the Career Opportunities Mailing List! The Career Conversation continues… Join the Career Opportunities Mailing list… Subscribe to the Career Opportunities Mailing List I use the Career Opportunities mailing list … Continue reading

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Career Opportunities podcast is now in its 7th year!

Anniversaries come and go, so it was only a couple of days ago that I remembered that Career Opportunities passed another milestone back on September 24, 2011. Back in 2004, this was the day the first episode was sent out … Continue reading

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Elsewhere: 4 Ways Current Labor Trends Will Impact Your Career

Great advice on all levels — especially the part about tech knowledge being increasingly important. I have been saying that for years and it is great to see someone else who feels the same way. — Douglas 4 Ways Current … Continue reading

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Get Free eBook: The High-Tech Career Handbook: The Best of Career Opportunities 1998-2003

My first book, The High-Tech Career Handbook: The Best of Career Opportunities 1998-2003, is no longer in print, but you can get your own FREE eBook version (150 pages) by taking some simple actions. Take any of the actions below, then … Continue reading

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#Trust30 Day 10: You are responsible for your own happiness and capable of achieving it!

I am writing a blog post each day as part of the #Trust30 project on my personal blog, My Word. Today’s prompt and response also relates well to you and your career, so I wanted to share it here. — … Continue reading

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CareerCampSCV Discussion Session and Presentation

Now that I have scheduled our big trip to visit my wife’s family in Sicily, I am assured that I will be in town for the second edition of CareerCampSCV on July 16, 2011 in Santa Clarita, California. The College … Continue reading

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Douglas is coming to Cleveland, Ohio on May 11, 2011

I am going to be in Cleveland, Ohio (and my hometown of New London) from Wed, May 11, 2011 to Sunday, May 15, 2011 to kick off Saturday6,  a new, garden blog project with Troy-Bilt. As I am arriving a … Continue reading

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