Category Archives: News/Opinion

Why create a Career Opportunities Community site?

On his blog, Mike Mcbride, links to the new Career Opportunities Community site, but questions why create such a group. This was a great opportunity to think and clarify my reasons and allow me to share them with you. Here … Continue reading

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Join the Career Opportunities Community and Win!

As of January 1, 2009, we have a new community site here at Career Opportunities where you can share your career stories, goals and needs with all your fellow Career Opportunities readers and listeners. As an enticement for you to … Continue reading

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Most popular Career Opportunities posts for 2008

The Right Way to Resign Elsewhere Online: 100+ Ways to Write a Great Resume Cover Letter Zoom in – April 28, 2006 Not everyone is happy when you change Time for you – July 14, 2006 Interview: Al Isago Parvez … Continue reading

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Upcoming Events

View the compete calendar. You can also subscribe to this calendar directly using RSS or iCAL. Read more on this topic: Keep informed of Career Opportunities Events and News – Join the mailing list today! Subscribe to our mailing list… … Continue reading

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Manager Tools: Twitter, I don’t like it

Mark Horstman over at Manager Tools posted this audio blog post today decrying the use of Twitter (Twitter, I don’t like it). While I typically agree with Mark on most things, I had to take exception with him on this … Continue reading

Posted in Elsewhere, News/Opinion | 1 Comment

Extra: Paper resumes are dead, dead, dead…or ought to be

This guest post appeared today in the blog, The Graduate Student Survival Guide on the web site of the Albany Times Union. Thanks to blogger, Brandon J. Mendelson for presenting this piece to his readers. Paper resumes are dead, dead, … Continue reading

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Subscribe to the Career Opportunities Mailing List

I use the Career Opportunities mailing list for announcements, but also as an advisory board. If you would like to have a say in what you see and hear here on Career Opportunities, subscribe to the mailing list using the … Continue reading

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Career Opportunities starts its 5th year of podcasting

I guess I have been podcasting so long that anniversaries no longer make an impact on me. Last Wednesday, September 24, 2008, I started my 5th year of Career Opportunities and my fifth year of podcasting in general. It is … Continue reading

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From Fired to Hired Seminar with Mitch Krayton

Good friend, Mitch Krayton is hosting a series of seminars, starting with “From Fired to Hired”. Here is some basic info and a PDF flyer. From Fired to Hired: The New CEO’s Guide to “You, Inc.” October 15, 2008 Fee: … Continue reading

Posted in Elsewhere, News/Opinion | 1 Comment

Stay in touch with everything happening at

Loading… Read more on this topic: [Tip] Video: 29 Ways to Stay Creative (1:50) Get a jolt of support this morning with this short…

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