Category Archives: News/Opinion

CareerCamp Online 2009 – How to attend and present

Since the CareerCamp Online idea is a bit of a new concept, there is still a but of confusion about the who, what, why, where and how? In that light, I am going to try and explain things a bit … Continue reading

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Video: Join us for CareerCamp Online 2009

Join us for CareerCamp Online 2009 – Feb 21 – Mar 1, 2009 on the Career Opportunities Community site. Register for Free Today! iPod Ready Video Read more on this topic: Join us at CareerCamp Online 2009! Join us at … Continue reading

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News: #rtjobs helps Twitteratti find jobs

Aaron Brazell (@technosailor) points out that Twitter is being used to collect and publicize job openings. You can search for hashtag #rtjobs or simply check his #rtjobs web site, which aggregates all the listings into a page. It is great … Continue reading

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Career Opportunities mentioned

Career Opportunities got a nice “shout out” from Mack Beckwith this week in his post entitled, “There are jobs out there” In another resource, Career Opportunities, a blog and podcast by Douglas E. Welch he offers practical tips to improve … Continue reading

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Announcing Career Camp Online 2009

Career Camp Online 2009 Sponsored by Career Opportunities column and podcast What is CareerCamp Online? CareerCamp Online is an unconference in the style of BarCamp, PodCamp and other “camp-like” unconferences. All attendees are highly encouraged to also give a presentation … Continue reading

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News: Unemployed Techies Hope To Help Themselves At LaidOffCamp

Interesting idea applying the BarCamp concept to unemployment. I think this is definitely something that could and should be promoted in every major city. — Douglas Unemployed Techies Hope To Help Themselves At LaidOffCamp from TechCrunch by Leena Rao Chris … Continue reading

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Elsewhere Online: Six Words You Should Drop from Your Resume

This item came from my daily RSS feed reading and I think it is a must-read for folks looking to spruce up their resume. I don’t typically offer advice on such things, so I am always on the look out … Continue reading

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Winners of Career Opportunities Community Site Giveaway

The winners of the Career Opportunities community site giveaway have been selected. If your name appears below, please send your postal information to Rob Spahitz will receive a copy of the book, What got your here won’t get you there … Continue reading

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Recently from Friends in Tech

This book review was produced by Friends in Tech member, Steve Holden, host of Tech News Radio. Book Review – Information Technology (IT) Manager’s Handbook from FiT Web by Steve Holden Here is a short audio review by Steve Holden … Continue reading

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What I’m Reading…Wikipatterns

I had seen mention of this book online and requested it from my local library. It is an interesting look at how you can drive and manage the use of a wiki in your company or group. The author has … Continue reading

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