Category Archives: Elsewhere

15 More Tiny Projects to Start Today via Psych Central

Your career doesn’t — and shouldn’t — stand apart from other aspects of your life. Creativity in one area always helps to expand creativity in all area of your life. This article provides 15 great ideas for spurring your creativity … Continue reading

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Video: Accepting Opportunities from “What is success…and why you might have it already?

A New Paradigm of Success from “What is success…and why you might have it already?  A short clip from this longer presentation Watch this entire presentation   Enjoy this clip and presentation? Consider a donation via PayPal to support further … Continue reading

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Noted: 5 Habits Of Relentless Entrepreneurs via Small Business Trends

5 Habits Of Relentless Entrepreneurs via Small Business Trends Anyone can start a business, but it’s hard to be an entrepreneur. Entrepreneurs are achievers but their achievements don’t come without pitfalls. What makes entrepreneurs tick? What is it about them … Continue reading

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Noted: The Physics of Productivity: Newton’s Laws of Getting Stuff Done via Lifehacker

I often use the concept of inertia when helping people with their career, but this article takes it a much higher level. — Douglas The Physics of Productivity: Newton’s Laws of Getting Stuff Done via Lifehacker In 1687, Sir Isaac … Continue reading

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Noted: How Taking A 20-Minute Walk Every Day Transformed My Approach To Work via Fast Company

Noted: How Taking A 20-Minute Walk Every Day Transformed My Approach To Work via Fast Company If you’re like most Americans, you suffer from the physical, emotional, and mental epidemic that the scientific community calls “sitting disease.” But unlike many … Continue reading

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Noted: “Note And Vote”: How Google Ventures Avoids Groupthink In Meetings via Fast Company

“Note And Vote”: How Google Ventures Avoids Groupthink In Meetings via Fast Company You know when a meeting turns into a complete waste of time? Maybe you’re trying to come up with ideas, or make a decision. Before anyone realizes … Continue reading

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Noted: Op-Ed: America, say goodbye to the Era of Big Work via The Los Angeles Times

Noted: Op-Ed: America, say goodbye to the Era of Big Work via The Los Angeles Times For much of the past century, the Era of Big Work — the 40-hour workweek and its employer-provided benefits — were the foundation of … Continue reading

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Noted: Debunking The Myth That Jerk Bosses Get Results via Fast Company

Debunking The Myth That Jerk Bosses Get Results via Fast Company Over the years we’ve seen some shining examples of notorious brutes pretty much killing it. From examining their managerial style and their success, one might correlate the two and … Continue reading

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Noted: 15 Best Brainstorming And Mind-Mapping Tech Tools For Every Creative Mind via Lifehack

15 Best Brainstorming And Mind-Mapping Tech Tools For Every Creative Mind via Lifehack In order to be able to see a relationship between various ideas and information, we use mind mapping. This includes gathering thoughts, coming up with new ideas, … Continue reading

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Noted: LinkedIn Has Quietly Rolled Out A “Follow” Button To Millions Of Members via ReadWrite

LinkedIn Has Quietly Rolled Out A “Follow” Button To Millions Of Members via ReadWrite A gigantic change is quietly sweeping through LinkedIn. Millions of members now have a “Follow” button, a feature that promises to transform how we think about … Continue reading

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