Category Archives: Class

Education: Writing creatively: plays

Here is another educational opportunity that has nothing do with computer science at all. (LAUGH) This show some of the depth of the curriculum available on iTunes U. Writing creatively: playsby The Open University Course Description For those interested in … Continue reading

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Education: iPad and iPhone App Development class from Stanford via iTunes U

I started watching the class onĀ iPad and iPhone App Development via iTunes U. iTunes U provides lots of great educational opportunities in a wide variety of areas including computer science, history, humanities, language, literature and business. You can check out … Continue reading

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Douglas speaks on “A Year of Action” at Tuesdays with Transitioners this week

Due to personal family issues with the scheduled speaker, I will be speaking at this weeks’s Tuesday’s with Transitioners meeting on the topic of “A Year of Action!”. Action — any action — can help us to get our careers … Continue reading

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Seminar: The Bootstrap Sessions with Susan M. Baker ( and Nathan Hangen

I first met Susan M. Baker, from almost a year ago and I have thanked my lucky stars ever since. We recently co-chaired CareerCampLA and meet regularly together with some other great people for a monthly New Media Mastermind. … Continue reading

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