Category Archives: Business

2012 Gift Guide: Orbiting the Giant Hairball: A Corporate Fool’s Guide to Surviving with Grace

Orbiting the Giant Hairball: A Corporate Fool’s Guide to Surviving with Grace Not just an enlightening book, but also beautifully designed, too. I read this when I was immersed in the corporate world and it helped greatly in weathering my … Continue reading

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2012 Gift Guide: Yes!: 50 Scientifically Proven Ways to Be Persuasive

Yes!: 50 Scientifically Proven Ways to Be Persuasive While some might read a book like this for tips on manipulating others to do what they want, I found some great insight into what drives people to make the choices they … Continue reading

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2012 Gift Guide: Tribes by Seth Godin

Tribes by Seth Godin Seth Godin’s newest book, Tribes, touches a concept near and dear to me…organizing groups, or Tribes, and helping them get things done. This is not to say I have been terribly successful at this activity, but … Continue reading

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2012 Gift Guide: Presentation Zen by Garr Reynolds

Presentation Zen by Garr Reynolds In any career, it is almost assured that you will be called on to make presentations to your peers, your managers and executives, outside clients and perhaps even at large industry conferences. As we all … Continue reading

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2012 Gift Guide: Ignore Everybody and 39 Other Keys to Creativity by Hugh MacLeod

Ignore Everybody and 39 Other Keys to Creativity by Hugh MacLeod Well-known blogger (, back-of-business-card cartoonist and advertising copywriter, Hugh MacLeod, leads us through his list of “What I Believe” in his book, Ignore Everybody and 39 Other Keys to … Continue reading

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2012 Gift Guide: Moleskeine Journals

Moleskeine Journals of all sorts No matter how much technology i have at hand, I always find myself falling back on my paper journal as a data gathering, thought-provoking and capturing, friend. Yes, I carry and iPhone, but there is … Continue reading

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2012 Gift Guide: We are all weird by Seth Godin

We are all weird by Seth Godin Whenever I read one of Seth Godin’s books I feel he is preaching to the choir because his thoughts are so much in tune with my own when it comes to New Media, … Continue reading

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News: Panelists champion careers in social good

Everyone wants to make money in their career, but many of us also want to have the biggest effect possible on the world. We seek out ways to do good as well as live good using our work and enterprise … Continue reading

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Elsewhere: Top 10 Reasons Why First-Time Freelancers Fail

Here is an excellent article on why many first-time freelancers fail. I know i have faced many of these issues myself and readily identify with the problems presented. That said, while freelancing can be — let us say — challenging, … Continue reading

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Sideskills can help you show people “what you do and how well you do it!”

A few months ago, I met some of the principles of at a local networking event here in Los Angeles. We randomly started talking, but I was immediately taken with their service and their message. They were seeking to … Continue reading

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