Author Archives: Douglas E. Welch

Video: A definition of success from “What is success…and why you might have it already?”

A definition of success from “What is success…and why you might have it already?” A short clip from this longer presentation Watch this entire presentation   Transcript: What is success? The fact is, success is different for each and every … Continue reading

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Too often, we neglect ourselves and our own needs…from the Career Opportunities Podcast

“Too often, we neglect ourselves and our own needs. There is a very special gift you can give yourself that costs absolutely nothing — the gift of self-knowledge. Taking time to reflect today can bring great benefits tomorrow.” From The … Continue reading

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Noted: 15 Best Brainstorming And Mind-Mapping Tech Tools For Every Creative Mind via Lifehack

15 Best Brainstorming And Mind-Mapping Tech Tools For Every Creative Mind via Lifehack In order to be able to see a relationship between various ideas and information, we use mind mapping. This includes gathering thoughts, coming up with new ideas, … Continue reading

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Noted: Why You Need To Speak Up At Work (And Why You Don’t) via Career Realism

Why You Need To Speak Up At Work (And Why You Don’t) via Career Realism However, over the past 10 years I’ve become less worried about speaking out about issues or decisions that don’t appear to make sense, and I … Continue reading

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Noted: LinkedIn Has Quietly Rolled Out A “Follow” Button To Millions Of Members via ReadWrite

LinkedIn Has Quietly Rolled Out A “Follow” Button To Millions Of Members via ReadWrite A gigantic change is quietly sweeping through LinkedIn. Millions of members now have a “Follow” button, a feature that promises to transform how we think about … Continue reading

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The Client Dance — from the Career Opportunities Podcast

Working with any client is a dance — or at least it should be. Dancing partners have to learn a lot about each other — how they move, where they move, how they communicate their moves — and working with … Continue reading

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Noted: How To Start A Networking Group That Will Actually Work via Fast Company

How To Start A Networking Group That Will Actually Work via Fast Company Networking can help you meet new people and advance your career. But what if you’re not sure you’ll find a group that fits your needs? Starting your … Continue reading

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Archive: The Greatest Gift — from the Career Opportunities Podcast

It is the holiday season once again and our thoughts are turned to goodwill and presents for the special people in our lives. Too often, though, we neglect ourselves at this time of year. Now, I am not suggesting you … Continue reading

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Video: Why a Career Compass? from Career Compass: Finding Your Career North with Douglas E. Welch

Why a Career Compass? from Career Compass: Finding Your Career North with Douglas E. Welch A short clip from this longer presentation Watch this entire presentation     Transcript: This is the session, Career Compass: Finding Your Career North. Come … Continue reading

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A Call for Your Advice — Contemplating a Patreon fundraiser

I need your advice and help? I have always wondered if advertising was the right model for supporting podcasting and other new media projects, but I hadn’t really seen any other viable alternatives. So I haven’t had advertising on Career Opportunities for … Continue reading

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