Author Archives: Douglas E. Welch

Real World Example: A talk with George Starcher, fellow Friends in Tech member

This week I sat down with fellow Friends in Tech member, George Starcher, so he could relate his recent experience of having his current company close, forcing him to find a new job very quickly. George talks about how his … Continue reading

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Get Free eBook: The High-Tech Career Handbook: The Best of Career Opportunities 1998-2003

My first book, The High-Tech Career Handbook: The Best of Career Opportunities 1998-2003, is no longer in print, but you can get your own FREE eBook version (150 pages) by taking some simple actions. Take any of the actions below, then … Continue reading

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The importance of the teachable moment – Podcast

During our recent 3 week trip visiting family in Sicily, I had the opportunity to spend several days with our 25-year-old cousin Orazio who is just finishing up a 5 year program in Engineering. We talked about many things related … Continue reading

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What I’m Reading…Read This Before Our Next Meeting

I am reading this book, for free, courtesy of Seth Godin’s Domino Project and their sponsors. It looks as if that deal has expired, but the book is worth checking out. — Douglas Read This Before Our Next Meeting by … Continue reading

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What I’m Reading…Instant Influence: How to Get Anyone to Do Anything Fast

Another book in my “To Read” stack. A review will be coming soon if I deem it worthy of one. — Douglas Instant Influence: How to Get Anyone to Do Anything–Fast by Michael Pantalon If you want to motivate your … Continue reading

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Event: Mega Mixer LA – Tuesday, August 30, 2011 – 6:30pm – 9:00pm – Hollywood, CA

I will be participating in this event as a representative of CareerCamp International and the Career Opportunities Column and Podcast. Join me and many other organizations. — Douglas Mega Mixer LA Date: Tuesday, August 30, 2011 Time: 6:30pm – 9:00pm … Continue reading

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CareerCampSFV (San Fernando Valley) – Saturday, September 24, 2011

CAREERCAMP SFV! Join us for CareerCampSFV this September. Get your free tickets here! A full day of great discussions, speakers and career building information to “Help you Build the Career You Deserve!” The Congregational Church of Northridge 9659 Balboa Boulevard … Continue reading

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Opting out of social media is no longer an option – Podcast

Many years ago, I could almost forgive people for not being as heavily into email as I was. Email was somewhat new. It was a bit technical to use. Sure, people who opted out using email made my life a … Continue reading

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Make the extrinsic intrinsic in your job search

ex·trin·sic/ikˈstrinzik/Adjective 1. Not part of the essential nature of someone or something; coming or operating from outside. in·trin·sic/inˈtrinzik/Adjective 1. Belonging naturally; essential. While engaging in the weekly #careerchat a few weeks ago, I was once again reminded of how much … Continue reading

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Work your rolodex like a pro – Podcast

Back in the day, your Rolodex™ was your breadbox, your money maker and in some cases your lifeline. Today, whether you store your contacts on paper, in Gmail or some fancy CRM system, these descriptions are still valid. A lot … Continue reading

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