Author Archives: Douglas E. Welch

Cynicism is a trap in your life and career – Podcast

How do you see the world? Do you see it like everyone else, or are your friends and family constantly telling you that you see the world in odd, different or even weird ways? Can you see danger where others … Continue reading

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Lifetime learning – your children are watching!

Last week I wrote a column about lifetime learning. It seems to be gaining attention in the general world and I think that is a great thing. I saw a blog post today that highlighted some great resources but then … Continue reading

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Archive: Believing impossible things

“Alice laughed: “There’s no use trying,” she said; “one can’t believe impossible things.” “I daresay you haven’t had much practice,” said the Queen. “When I was younger, I always did it for half an hour a day. Why, sometimes I’ve … Continue reading

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Education: The new entrepreneurs by The Open University and iTunesU

I am working my way through this program on entrepreneurship and think that you might find it it useful, too. It delves into the basic concepts and concerns of being an entrepreneur and might just give  you some ideas on … Continue reading

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Lifetime learning enhances your life and career – Podcast

“Where can I learn about X?” “How to do I do this in Word/Excel/Powerpoint?” “Can I find out more about Y?” These are questions I hear from people almost everyday. There is a great need for learning, for education, even … Continue reading

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Education: Writing creatively: plays

Here is another educational opportunity that has nothing do with computer science at all. (LAUGH) This show some of the depth of the curriculum available on iTunes U. Writing creatively: playsby The Open University Course Description For those interested in … Continue reading

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Education: iPad and iPhone App Development class from Stanford via iTunes U

I started watching the class on iPad and iPhone App Development via iTunes U. iTunes U provides lots of great educational opportunities in a wide variety of areas including computer science, history, humanities, language, literature and business. You can check out … Continue reading

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Career Opportunities Office Hour – Are you in?

I am thinking about a regularly scheduled G+ Hangout office hour to discuss career issues, questions and trends.Would you be interested in such a thing? I am trying to gauge the interest before blocking out the time each week.I am … Continue reading

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A Year of Action – Live presentation at Tuesdays with Transitioners – Podcast

Douglas speaks at the local Tuesday’s with Transitioners meeting on the topic of “A Year of Action!”. Action — any action — can help us to get our careers and lives moving forward. Douglas presents a few “action items” you might … Continue reading

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[Tip] A “Want To Do” List!

[Tip] Remember, your ToDo list needs to include “Want To Do” items as well as “Have To Do” items. Balance them out to make each day better. Read more on this topic: CareerTips included in list of “100 Twitter Feeds … Continue reading

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