Not Selfishness, But Self-Preservation from “It’s Your Career, After All 2015” [Audio Clip] (1:12)

A Clip from “It’s Your Career, After All” with Douglas E. Welch from the Career Opportunities Podcast

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Not Selfishness, But Self-Preservation from

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Douglas E. Welch ( presents to the class Career Development – Theories and Techniques at Pepperdine Graduate School of Education & Psychology taught by fellow CareerCamp Co-Chair, Danielle Gruen


It’s not selfishness, as I said earlier, it’s not. It is self-preservation. If you’re constantly doing what others want, then you’re not living your live. You’re living someone else’s life. Does that make sense? Does that — I want that to really sink in. If you — don’t live your own life, build your own career, make your own decisions, if you’re constantly doing what others want, then you’re not living your life, you’re living someone else’s idea of your life. A life that better serves them than you. I’m glad I read it because it put it better than I said it. We can often — and do often — decide to help other people. That’s just part of human nature as well, but when we do so at the expense of ourselves we are doing a great disservice to ourselves. You deserve better. Which is, again, why you need to be in a good position and have your “ducks in a row” and have your career thinking done and your ideas of what you want to do to make those decisions for yourself and not let others make them for you.

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