Aloneness, Belonging, and the Paradox of Vulnerability, in Love and Creative Work – The Marginalian [Shared]

Aloneness, Belonging, and the Paradox of Vulnerability, in Love and Creative Work – The Marginalian

Aloneness, Belonging, and the Paradox of Vulnerability, in Love and Creative Work – The Marginalian [Shared]

“A great interview does something else, too. A great touches the nucleus of being and potential, untouched by the forces of time and change.

One January afternoon several selves ago, I entered the corrugated black walls of a snug recording studio at the School of Visual Arts to sit at a microphone across from a woman dressed entirely and impeccably in black — a woman all stranger, all sunshine. I didn’t expect that, over the next hour, the warmth of her generous curiosity and her sensitive attention would melt away my ordinary reticence about discussing the life beneath the work. I didn’t expect that, over the next decade, we would become creative kindred spirits, then friends, then longtime romantic partners, and finally dear lifelong friends and frequent collaborators.”

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Why Design Matters: Conversations with the World’s Most Creative People by Debbie Millman

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