Some Stability Gives Us Freedom To Be Adventurous from Transition is the New Normal 2016 [Video] (0:39)

A clip from the presentation, “Transition is the New Normal” to OPEN (Outstanding Professionals Employment Network) Ventura County in Simi Valley, CA on March 4, 2016

Watch this entire presentation

Some Stability Gives Us Freedom To Be Adventurous from Transition is the New Normal 2016



Another thing — back to what you were saying too — those stable parts of our life are important to us because it’s that stability that allows us the freedom to be a bit more adventurous. Having X number of dollars in the bank. You’re not going to go crazy, but you have the freedom to read that new book or do this or visit this museum or — it provides you a base platform to stand on and say, “Ok. at this point in my life, I’m stable. I understand that. Things are a little crazy up here, but I have this place to stand and now I can start to reach out — without fear — and say “What else is out there? What else can I investigate?”

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