The NorthWest: What You Want To Do from Transition is the New Normal 2016 [Audio] (1:11)

A clip from the presentation, “Transition is the New Normal” to OPEN (Outstanding Professionals Employment Network) Ventura County in Simi Valley, CA on March 4, 2016

Watch this entire presentation

The NorthWest: What You Want To Do from Transition is the New Normal 2016

Listen to this clip



On the left side the equation, this is the present and this is our future on this side. And let’s say Not Doing Now positive and Not Doing Now negative.

This is really important because this is your dream. This is your — this is where you’re headed. This is where you want to go. I want to live on a South Sea Island. I want to — I want to live on a South Sea Island and I want to run a tourist kayaking company on South Sea Island somewhere and that’s how I make my living. I live on the beach. I rent out kayaks. I take people on trips. Ok, maybe that’s what you want to do. Put it on the list. Put it up here. Put other things — I want to work with children more. I want to work in politics more. Whatever floats your boat. Get it down on the list. (unintelligible) I heard that. Get it on your list, because, again, that helps you move…in this direction. Helps you move towards north. Helps you stay on course.  

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