Another great #CareerChat Twitter chat today. Below are some of my comments during the chat. Join is for #careerchat, each Tuesday Morning at 1pm EST/10am PST. You can view the entire chat using this Twitter Search on #CareerChat.
- For me, I think that people need to get the word out immediately about their availability. Put your network to work.
- Keep your LinkedIn profile updated at all times. It is easy to do and doing it little by little is much easier than big updates
- Put some thought into what you WANT in your next job, not just what you NEED. You want the BEST job, no just the NEXT job.
- FYI @careertips is Douglas E. Welch from Career Opportunities column and podcast
- just published a Kindle booklet called Career Compass to help people decide what they truly WANT to do. Timely 🙂
- In many cases, your network might turn up opportunities you can act on within days. Best case scenario.
- As for volunteering, consider starting your own org/group/etc and “volunteer” for yourself.
- You need to constantly be showing people “what you do and how well you do it!” Never stop looking.
- After a layoff is not the time to be trying to figure out LI, updating resume and such. Need to be prepared.
- Need to be prepared even if you are working. Never know what opportunities might come your way. Be ready to take advantage.
- I always recommend “telling a story” in your resume rather than just listing skills. Stories really help sell you.
- Think out if it is time to relocate geographically, too. Where are the best opportunities for your type of job?
- Speaking with our Sicilian relatives, temporary relocation for work is a fact of life for them. That surprised me.
- Further on starting own group – if you are group, you know some people, if you start a group, everyone knows YOU.
- Don’t undersell your own skills. Chronic problem with workers today. Not askign you be arrogant, but respect what you bring.
- I feel they (paper resumes) are dead. I WISH they were dead, but old habits die hard. Seems an antiquated job search tool to me.
- Educate! There are so many sources for online lifetime learning these days. Heck, you can learn much just searching YouTube.
- Most resumes are designed to be consumed by digital systems at companies, so they look more like data than a resume
- My recent podcast on Lifetime Learning – Lifetime learning enhances your life and career –
- I am also highlighting online classes that I find interesting on my blogs, etc. All sorts of topics – iTunes U, CodeAcademy, MIT
- Use and others. It is not an either/or question, but Yes/And. That said, have your own home base blog to point to
- A blog is your home base to show people what you do and how well you do it. Collect EVERYTHING there.
- Give people as much opportunity to stumble upon you as possible. Be everywhere you can be, but link all to home.
- You never know where your next opportunity might come from. You don’t know who your audience might be.
- My goal for everyone is to attract work TO THEM, rather than having to go looking for work.
- t seems only right as the Internet has given us great tools to network and market ourselves, if we only used them
- You are just as likely to find your next in a locker room, in the coffee shop or online as you are in traditional process
- As a freelance consultant, a lot of my clients come from happenstance meetups around town, through friends and family.
- I think of “opening the lines of communication” to be one of our most important jobs for our own self preservation
- No one else can/will care as much about your career as you do. They simply can’t. It is up to you to build career.
- ..and trust yourself, and love yourself, and respect yourself…
- As Edison said, “Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.”
- I find that work for yourself and on yourself is far less onerous than work for others. Tough to do, but good.
- I find that constructive criticism is hard to find. Too many people cloak as constructive, but are actually destructive
- Shameless plug – My Kindle books on careers and social media available from my site at
- Have to consider the source greatly. Too many “blocked” people build themselves up by tearing down others. Sad.
- Insecurity is one of the most damaging traits in society today. It leads people to do some amazingly bad things.