Video: Dog Days of Podcasting 2014 – Risotto Rosso – Day 1/30

Video: Dog Days of Podcasting 2014 - Risotto Rosso - Day 1/30 

Today I show off what’s on the stove for dinner. In this case, it is one of our Recipes in Rotation, Risotto Rosso, a tomato-based risotto with italian sausage.

The original recipe for Risotto Rosso comes from the cookbook, Cucina Rustica by Viana La Place and Evan Kleiman. It is now available new in paperback from and others.

For all of or family Recipes in Rotation, check out this free cookbook, Recipes in Rotation, available via the web or for your iPad using the Cookbook Cafe app.

Previously in the Dog Days of Podcasting 2014:

What is the Dog Days of Podcasting?

“Essentially, it is a challenge to do a podcast for 30 days in a row.

In 2012 Kreg Steppe was looking to give himself a little push in regards to recording his own personal podcast since he wasn’t recording it very often. That turned into a challenge for himself to record a show everyday for 30 days believing that after 30 days it would turn into a habit. Once it was mentioned to Chuck Tomasi he took the challenge too and they decided it would be a great idea to record starting 30 days before Dragon*Con, culminating with the last episode where they would record it together when they saw each other there.”

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