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Monday, March 14, 2005

Sitting and thinking

After finishing all my morning errands I decided to return to the home office, but the blustery wind and warmer weather convinced me I didn't want to sit inside. I pulled up a comfy garden chair, side table and reading material and started re-filling the creative well.

Of course, when you are in your own garden, all the things that need done can catch your eye. After a bit of reading I noticed the Aralia was tipping over in a drunken fashion in the wind. The old growth was top heavy -- and not particularly pretty -- so snip, snip off came the top. Much better. Bushier and greener with the younger, more delicate and serrated edged leaves predominating.

A little more reading and one of our friendlier squirrels came to visit. Despite my close proximity, she (I think) scampered up the small pine tree and settled into the one feeder officially dedicated to the squirrels. Not that they don't invade the other feeders as well, but this one has no impediments to their use. We sat and chatted for a while until a large-ish limb broke off one of the Carrotwood trees (Cupaniopsis anacardioides) and toppled into the back corner, knocking over a decorative lantern with a large, metallic crash. I couldn't leave it lying there, of course, so another quick snip, snip and it was off to the garden bin.

I had little bit of time before my son returned from school (and we had to head out to baseball practice), so the squirrel and I had a few more minutes of quiet contemplation. It seems so silly that I have to remind myself to enjoy the garden, but the pressures of everyday life can simply get in the way sometimes.


Anonymous Eva said...

Too true. I often have to remind myself of the same thing. It isn't all work and no play in the garden! :)

9:12 AM  

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