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Tuesday, April 13, 2004

Almost finished...

As I type, our house looks like "a desert tent near an oasis," according to a friend of ours who is keeping watch on the work while we work out of the Orange County office of WelchWrite, Inc. ( i.e. Grandma's house (SMILE)). I am anxious to get back to the house, and especially the garden to see what, if any damage has been done.

I feel I did a pretty good job of removing any possible obstructions to the tenting crew and pulling all the plants pulled back from the walls. There is a slight chance that the plants close to the house may have been burnt by the insecticide gas, but I have my fingers crossed that all will be well. There is no telling until I see it with my own eyes.

I will report on any and all issues with this process, in case you find the need on your property down the road.


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