The secret to career success is just showing up — from the Career Opportunities Podcast [Audio]

The secret to career success is just showing up — from the Career Opportunities Podcast

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“80% of success is showing up” — Woody Allen

The older I get the more I begin to see the wisdom in Allen’s quote. Throughout my life I have seen those who “show up” in life and work and those who constantly talk about what they want to do/might do/do if they only had the time. Perhaps is more a part of life in Los Angeles, but I get the feeling that people all over the world are faced with great problems in simply showing up. They can invent 101 excuses why they didn’t show up, but can’t seem to find the one reason , the one project, the one exciting moment where they show up and become fully involved in their life and work. What is worse is these same people often spend an inordinate amount of time bemoaning their fate. They blame everyone and everything else except the one person, the one thing, the one place where the fault really lies — themselves.

Read The secret to career success is just showing up — from the Career Opportunities Podcast

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It’s OK to investigate new job opportunities — from the Career Opportunities Podcast

It’s OK to investigate new job opportunities — from the Career Opportunities Podcast

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It is a freelance work world out there today. As I often coach people, you need to think and act as a freelancer, even if you are currently employed full time. We all know how easy it is to go from employee to unemployed these days and it is important to protect yourself as much as possible from unforeseen layoffs. I find, though, that many people are greatly conflicted when it comes time to investigate new job opportunities. They can feel a sense of fear, a sense of disloyalty, a sense that they are somehow cheating their current employer. Let me be the first to allay your fears. When you investigate new job opportunities, you are practicing the best elements of career self-preservation. You are doing exactly what needs to be done to build the career you deserve.

Read It’s OK to investigate new job opportunities — from the Career Opportunities Podcast

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Make your invisible work visible — from the Career Opportunities Podcast [Audio]

Make your invisible work visible — from the Career Opportunities Podcast

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For most of us, our career and work skills are hidden from all but our immediate co-workers and clients. Most of our friends, family, and certainly our loose connections and strangers often have no idea what we do for a living or how we accomplish it. As you might imagine, this can make it very difficult to move forward in your career. This is especially true in a world where visibility of both ourselves and our skills is a major tool in attracting opportunity to us. While you may be doing great work, if no one knows about it — internally or externally — that work is not benefiting you in some very important ways. To make it work better for your, you need to make your invisible skills, talents, and accomplishments visible to the outside world.

Read Make your invisible work visible — from the Career Opportunities Podcast

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Career change requires small actions, not dramatic ones — from the Career Opportunities Podcast

Career change requires small actions, not dramatic ones — from the Career Opportunities Podcast

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There comes a time in every career when you need to make a change. You need more challenges. You need a new manager or company. You need something different that will allow you to continue to grow and thrive. In the midst of this, you can often feel that you need to take some dramatic action. You need to quit your job, go back to school, move to a different city or country, divorce your spouse, go off the grid. The truth is, though, that while dramatic actions may seem the best way to jumpstart your career, it is the small, individual actions you take every day that bring the most change. Dramatic actions change your life for the moment. Small actions change your life for a lifetime.

Read Career change requires small actions, not dramatic ones — from the Career Opportunities Podcast

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Ebb and flow in your career — from the Career Opportunities Podcast [Audio]

Ebb and flow in your career — from the Career Opportunities Podcast

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Just like everything in life, there is an ebb and flow to your work and your career. There will be times when your career is in a relatively steady state — simply something that you do on a daily basis. At other times it will be moving forward like a river in flood or an angry sea, pushing you about and, hopefully, driving you forward. Knowing how to act in each of these scenarios is important to your overall well-being as well as the success of your career. If you don’t know how to manage these periods of ebb and flow, you could be doing yourself and your career a great disservice.

Read Ebb and flow in your career — from the Career Opportunities Podcast

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Mighty oaks from little acorns grow — from the Career Opportunities Podcast

Mighty oaks from little acorns grow — from the Career Opportunities Podcast

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In our lives and careers we are most often concerned with the big issues — the big project, the big money, the big success. Unfortunately, this often means that we too easily lose sight of all the small pieces that make up the larger successes. Ignoring these smaller aspects can almost ensure that the bigger successes never arrive. Failing to focus on the small, day-to-day decisions you make can stunt your career and leave you wondering why big success never seems to happen to you.

Read Mighty oaks from little acorns grow — from the Career Opportunities Podcast

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Who are you making happy? — from the Career Opportunities Podcast [Audio]

Who are you making happy? — from the Career Opportunities Podcast

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Often in the past here at Career Opportunities I have talked about the concept of self-preservation. I am a firm believer that in order to help others, you need to be in a good place yourself. Thinking about yourself. Doing what you need. Building the life and career you deserve isn’t selfish, it is simply stoking the fires that will warm those around you. Anyone who spends their lives pleasing others only will eventually find themselves filled with resentment and anger and lacking the energy to do anything at all. I don’t want any of you to find yourself in this position. I want you to grow in both success and happiness.

Read Who are you making happy? — from the Career Opportunities Podcast

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Don’t ask the same question twice — from the Career Opportunities Podcast [Audio]

Don’t ask the same question twice — from the Career Opportunities Podcast

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If you want to truly endear yourself to your family, your co-workers, your boss, you business partners, your investors, everyone — endeavor to never ask the same question twice. When you ask a question of anyone, no matter who, make sure you capture the answer to that question for future reference. Even if you think you might never need that answer again, write it down. The fact is, you never know when or if a question is going to pop up again, so always err on the safer side and take notes so you never have to ask that question again.

Read Don’t ask the same question twice — from the Career Opportunities Podcast

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50 is just a number –– from the Career Opportunities Podcast

50 is just a number –– from the Career Opportunities Podcast

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The day has arrived. I can no longer pretend I am 25 anymore, even if my mental age seems stuck around that time. This weekend I turned 50 and while it certainly wasn’t unexpected, it can be a little challenging sometimes. This is especially true when you notice that some people begin to treat you differently. Knowing only your age, they think you might not be hip and cool (like I ever was) and very, very set in your ways. They might expect you to be conservative, careful and overly critical of the changes around you. Those of you who know me though , through these podcasts and elsewhere, know that I constantly fight against such issues, I try to keep my mind open, my thinking fresh and my curiosity turned way, way up. This is what I think it means to be 50.

Read 50 is just a number –– from the Career Opportunities Podcast

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Carefully consider the career advice you receive — from the Career Opportunities Podcast [Audio]

Carefully consider the career advice you receive — from the Career Opportunities Podcast

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As a long time career writer, I read a lot about careers. I follow career advisors and HR professionals on social media,  read their blogs, browse magazines and other sources. One common source of career advice are human resources (HR) professionals. They are often consulted for inside information on what it takes to get hired, how to approach the hiring process and more. Unfortunately, I find that a lot of guidance and advice they give is often designed to make their life and work easier, not build the career you deserve.


Read Carefully consider the career advice you receive — from the Career Opportunities Podcast

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