Category Archives: Seminar

Video: Lead By Solving Big Problems from “A Year of Leadership”

From “A Year of Leadership” – Career Opportunities Podcast with Douglas E. Welch) Watch this entire presentation Transcript: Solve an intractable problem in the company. Take the customer support complaints you’re getting — and take the biggest question you get … Continue reading

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Noted: Use the “Memory Palace” Technique to Memorize Presentations – Lifehacker

Use the “Memory Palace” Technique to Memorize Presentations – Lifehacker We’ve shown you the potential benefits of making things visual to help you remember them, but author Dan Roam suggests applying those mental images to each specific talking point in … Continue reading

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Video: The Power of the Good Example from “A Year of Leadership”

From “A Year of Leadership” – Career Opportunities Podcast with Douglas E. Welch) Watch this entire presentation Transcript: “Now, I know a lot of you think or are thinking right now, “Oh my God, Doug is out of his mind. … Continue reading

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Video: Leadership is part of our DNA from “A Year of Leadership”

From “A Year of Leadership” – Career Opportunities Podcast with Douglas E. Welch) Watch this entire presentation    Transcript: “Leadership is part of our DNA — part of us. Go back to the earliest history of many and you will … Continue reading

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Video: Leadership: Don’t wait for someone else to lead from “A Year of Leadership”

From “A Year of Leadership” – Career Opportunities Podcast with Douglas E. Welch) Watch this entire presentation Transcript: “You can’t wait for someone else to lead. In fact, that’s whats gotten us into a lot of the trouble we’ve been … Continue reading

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Video: Leadership: The Most Important Skill from “A Year of Leadership”

From “A Year of Leadership” – Career Opportunities Podcast with Douglas E. Welch Watch this entire presentation    Transcript: “Leadership could be the most important skill you cultivate this year and you need to exercise it in large and small … Continue reading

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Video: Answer questions to attract opportunity from “A Year of Opportunity”

    From “A Year of Opportunity” – Career Opportunities Podcast with Douglas E. Welch) Watch this entire presentation    Transcript: “If you’re looking through you’re Twitter feed — if you’re looking through your Facebook feed — you’re looking through … Continue reading

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Video: What you do and how well you do it! from “A Year of Opportunity”

Transcript: “When attracting opportunity to you, one of the most important aspects about that is to tell people what you do and how well you do it. To put on my new media hat as well as my career hat … Continue reading

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Video: Attracting Opportunity to You from “A Year of Opportunity”

From “A Year of Opportunity” – Career Opportunities Podcast with Douglas E. Welch) Watch this entire presentation Transcript: “In order to attract opportunity to you, you have got to be out meeting people. Now, that meeting people can be face-to-face … Continue reading

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Are you ignoring opportunities? from “A Year of Opportunity”

  From “A Year of Opportunity” – Career Opportunities Podcast with Douglas E. Welch) Watch this entire presentation   Building a successful career in 2014 requires that we focus on 3 things this year, including: 1. Attracting Opportunity 2. Recognizing … Continue reading

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