Author Archives: Douglas E. Welch

What I tell every new careerbuilder – Podcast

Many of the readers and listeners of Career Opportunities have been working for a long time. They have had several jobs and maybe even a few careers. It seems to take a few years before most people start to consider … Continue reading

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Read it now! — “Do the work” by Steven Pressfield – Free

I have just finished reading Do the work by Steven Pressfield and would highly recommend you do the same. In fact, I am thinking that I will make it (and Pressfield’s earlier book, The War of Art) required reading before … Continue reading

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Douglas hosts next Tech Tuesday at Tuesdays with Transitioners – May 3, 2011

Tuesdays with Transitioners Journeying to a better career A message to all members of Tuesdays with Transitioners May 3 is Tech Tuesday! Douglas Welch will be our guest host for this Tech Tuesday, so come armed with your laptops (or borrow … Continue reading

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[Tip] If your thoughts or ideas are stagnating…

[Tip] If your thoughts or ideas are stagnating, it probably means you need to get out and interact with more/new people. Receive more tips like this — Follow CareerTips on Twitter Read more on this topic: [Tip] Conversation is the heart … Continue reading

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Take responsibility for your own education – Podcast

I have been advising you to take control of your career for over 12 years here on Career Opportunities. I continue to believe that it is of the utmost importance that you manage your career instead of letting it manage … Continue reading

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Mitch Krayton speaks at Tuesdays with Transitioners – April 19, 2011

My friend, Mitch Krayton, will be speaking at Tuesdays with Transitioners in Northridge, California. Join us! Mitch’s topic is “What is a resume for?” I’l be recording the talk for later release, too. Click the image below for more information … Continue reading

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Now available: Career Compass: Finding Your Career North Transcript

Now available for sale from Career Opportunities…   Career Compass: Finding Your Career North Transcript Presented at CareerCampSCV on July 10th, 2010 $3.99 via PayPal We all need some direction when sailing through our career and the Career Compass is … Continue reading

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Hitting the Bulls-eye – Podcast

Over the last several months my son and I have been increasingly active in archery at our local range with our local SCA (Society for Creative Anachronism) group. We enjoy being outdoors and the camaraderie of archery, as well as … Continue reading

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Question: Do you plan on changing jobs in 2011?

Click to answer this question over on the Career Opportunities Facebook Page… Read more on this topic: Archive: Get a plan – January 6, 2006 (This podcast is pulled “from the archives” and presented here… I Like This – July … Continue reading

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Elsewhere Online: The IT Career Builder’s Toolkit new video series

My friend, Matt Moran, has re-launched the web site for his book, The IT Career Builder’s Toolkit and he is starting a new career-focused video series. Visit his web site (link below) for complete information and videos. Matt will be … Continue reading

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