Author Archives: Douglas E. Welch

Archive: Career Opportunities Vision for Your Career — From the Career Opportunities Podcast

As we approach the end of the year, we sometimes look to resolutions to guide our way. Instead, this year, I found myself thinking of the Career Opportunities Vision. What goals am I trying to accomplish with this column? What … Continue reading

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Photo: Meetup with a longtime Career Opportunities listener, Ben M.

A highlight of our trip back to our home state of Ohio was a chance to meetup with longtime podcast listener, Ben M. from Columbus. He made the trek up from the city to my small hometown of New London, … Continue reading

Posted in Announcement, Community, Events, Photos, Special | 1 Comment

Archive: Your employer needs you as much as you need them — from the Career Opportunities Podcast

It is almost 2007 and yet we still have some archaic views of the employer/employee relationship — on both sides. We have seen the concepts of corporate loyalty overturned and the paternalistic concepts of group health care and pensions are … Continue reading

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How to attract work to you — from the Career Opportunities Podcast

The current form of career development/management is flawed.  First, you discover what work you might like to do and are qualified to do and then you go in search of someone offering a job/needing someone with your skills. Once you … Continue reading

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Archive: Get your next job by referral — from the Career Opportunities Podcast

If you have been interviewed for even a few jobs, you have realized that the process is biased against you in many ways. Everything is designed to make the process easier and more successful for your future employer rather than … Continue reading

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Job Listings from Tuesdays with Transitioners – June 23, 2013

Job Openings from Tuesdays with Transitioners Jennifer Oliver O’Connell, organizer of Tuesdays with Transitioners posted these job listings recently. Join Tuesdays with Transitioners Meetup group to receive these job listings directly via and email. Job Listings from Tuesdays with Transitioners – June 23, 2013 … Continue reading

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Job Listings from Tuesdays with Transitioners – June 23, 2013

Job Openings from Tuesdays with Transitioners Jennifer Oliver O’Connell, organizer of Tuesdays with Transitioners posted these job listings recently. Join Tuesdays with Transitioners Meetup group to receive these job listings directly via and email. Job Listings from Tuesdays with Transitioners – June 23, 2013 … Continue reading

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What you need: A Freedom Cache — from the Career Opportunities Podcast

One of the most important aspects of any career is the freedom to make the best decisions for yourself and your family. Allowing circumstance to push you from one job to another without any sort of plan ensures that someone … Continue reading

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Job Listings from Tuesdays with Transitioners – June 16, 2013

Job Openings from Tuesdays with Transitioners Jennifer Oliver O’Connell, organizer of Tuesdays with Transitioners posted these job listings recently. Join Tuesdays with Transitioners Meetup group to receive these job listings directly via and email. Job Listings from Tuesdays with Transitioners – June 16, 2013 … Continue reading

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Archive: Tell it like it is — from the Career Opportunities Podcast

When you are addressing problems in your work and your career, I usually recommend taking a soft approach. No matter how severe the problem, a few gentle words can often smooth the waters and get people back on track. That … Continue reading

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