Your Next Job Can Be Found In Interesting Ways from Two Challenges in Building Your Career [Audio] (0:53)

A Clip from Two Challenges in Building the Career You Deserve with Douglas E. Welch. 

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Your Next Job Can Be Found In Interesting Ways from Two Challenges in Building Your Career

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Douglas E. Welch ( presents to the class Career Development – Theories and Techniques at Pepperdine Graduate School of Education & Psychology taught by fellow CareerCamp Co-Chair, Danielle Gruen

The two biggest challenges are deciding what you want to do as a career and then building the career you deserve once you decide.

I discuss the Career Compass method of discovering your career wants, needs and desires and then using various social media tools to show people “What you do and how well you do it”


You job is to communicate with people that have a common interest, both personally and in their career. You may become an acquaintance of someone who is interested in music with you and, all of a sudden, you’ll discover, oh but they actually also work at this charity that does whatever that you’re also interested in. You never can tell. You can never tell where your next career opportunity is coming from, too. That’s a really importance phrase to get out there. Your next job could just as easily come from someone sitting next to you at Starbucks or someone on your Facebook account then it could from an actual job listing or job description or job posting. And, in fact, I would say that these days, the chances of getting a good job are actually higher online and face-to-face at the Starbucks then they are looking through the want ads or or any of those things. 

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