Roll with the waves of change from Transition as the New Normal 2015 with Douglas E. Welch (2 mins) [Audio]

A clip from this longer presentation — Douglas E. Welch presents “Transition as the New Normal” to OPEN (Outstanding Professionals Employment Network) Ventura County in Simi Valley, CA on February 27, 2015.

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Also mentioned in this talk is “Career Compass: Finding Your Career North”, an Amazon Kindle booklet

Roll with the waves of change from Transition as the New Normal 2015 with Douglas E. Welch

Listen to Roll with the waves of change from Transition as the New Normal 2015 with Douglas E. Welch



Don’t look at stability or expect stability as an end goal. It’s nice when you have it. It’s nice to enjoy the benefits of it, but it can be a very alluring thing to have sometimes. You want to be like a boat, or a ship and roll with the waves and know that those waves are coming. Whenever I go out on the ocean. We went out to Santa Cruz Island a few months ago to see the Island Foxes out there. I place myself — luckily I don’t get seasick, but I love standing on the bow of the boat and watching the waves — watching the rollers come in — and riding with the waves. That is one of my favorite things to do. I enjoy that feeling and that sensation so much. I don’t want to be inside the cabin kind of being banged around inside the cabin, trying not to spill my coffee. I like to be out there, on the front, and engaging — funny that word keeps coming up — engaging in the world that I’s out on. I don’t get out on the ocean a lot, so I want to be part of it when I’m out there. And that’s the way you want to be in your life and your career. You want to look out there and see what waves are coming. Know they’re going to be waves because the cyclical nature of life in general. There’s going to be waves and you want to be looking out there and seeing what’s coming and engaging in it. We want to be rolling with them. You don’t want to be plowing into them, plowing through them or letting it capsize you when they strike you from the side. But it’s only by engaging with it and watching it and being part of your life and career that that really happens. 

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