Audio: Make Better Career Decisions from Transition as the New Normal 2015 with Douglas E. Welch

A clip from this longer presentation — Douglas E. Welch presents “Transition as the New Normal” to OPEN (Outstanding Professionals Employment Network) Ventura County in Simi Valley, CA on February 27, 2015.

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Also mentioned in this talk is “Career Compass: Finding Your Career North”, an Amazon Kindle booklet

Listen to Make Better Career Decisions from Transition as the New Normal 2015 with Douglas E. Welch



I want you to manage your career. To pay attention to your career. To evaluate a position that is offered to you and feel free to say, “No.” It’s in that “No” that you have the power to control your career. I’m not saying you say “No” to everything. I have a little booklet I’ve written called the “Career Compass” which is all about exploring what you want to do. Not just your work, but actually looking at your whole life and saying, “What do I enjoy most? I like working with kids. I don’t like working with kids. I like working at the computer. I don’t like working at the computer,” and so on an so forth. Part of that is so that people can have a little rubric — a little compass — that says, “Here’s a position I’m being offered. Where does it fall on my compass? Is it North, which is where I want to go in my career? Is it on the route I’m headed? Or is it totally to the South?” Too often — and the whole reason the Compass metaphor came up — is because I see people going in exactly the opposite direction of where they want to go. We humans are silly beings sometimes. We often do things that are against our own self-interest. But, if we pay attention to them. If we engage in transition. If we think about our careers. we can avoid the majority of those issues and I will even use the word — mistakes. We all make mistakes in our live and in our careers. My goal is to keep those as few and far between as possible.   

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