High school is the time to think about your career, but not to decide it from the Career Opportunities Podcast [Audio]

High school is the time to think about your career, but not to decide it from the Career Opportunities Podcast

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When I was going to high school — back in the Dark Ages of the 1970’s — teachers and counselors would talk about possible careers,  but unless you were moving into a vocational education program, no one expected you to decide on a career right then.  College was meant to the be place where you ‘found yourself’.  Today, though, we have magnet schools — for junior high aged children — dedicated to zoology, journalism, science, arts, performing arts, math, engineering and more. It seems to me that, more and more, we are asking children to decide on their carers earlier and earlier. As someone who has yet to decide “What I want to be when I grow up”, I find this a bit troubling. For me, childhood is about discovering what you might want to do with the rest of your life, not deciding.

Read High school is the time to think about your career, but not to decide it from the Career Opportunities Podcast

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