We Make Our Worst Decisions Under Stress from “It’s Your Career, After All 2015” [Video] (0:51)

A Clip from “It’s Your Career, After All” with Douglas E. Welch from the Career Opportunities Podcast

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We Make Our Worst Decisions Under Stress from


Douglas E. Welch (http://douglasewelch.com) presents to the class Career Development – Theories and Techniques at Pepperdine Graduate School of Education & Psychology taught by fellow CareerCamp Co-Chair, Danielle Gruen


We make our worst decisions when we are under stress. If you’re ever being forced to make a decision under stress, avoid it at all costs. I don’t care if you have to walk out the door and walk around the block, do something to calm yourself down, because I can — I keep using the word guarantee tonight — but I can guarantee you will make — of all the decisions you could have made. you will make the worst one when you are under stress. Why to you think the car dealership — car salesman — says, “Well, you have to sign right now! If you leave now I won’t be able to sell you the car for this price.” That high pressure salesman. They’re trying to get you to make that decision knowing that you are stressed and you, perhaps, won’t make the decision that is best for you. So, again, divorce yourself from it. It depends, it really does, because partially the situation has arisen because you hven’t thought for yourself what you really wanted.

Previous talks for Pepperdine:

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