The Career Compass: Discover Your Most Basic Interests from Two Challenges in Building Your Career [Video Clip] (1:06)

A Clip from Two Challenges in Building the Career You Deserve with Douglas E. Welch. 

Watch the entire presentation.

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Douglas E. Welch ( presents to the class Career Development – Theories and Techniques at Pepperdine Graduate School of Education & Psychology taught by fellow CareerCamp Co-Chair, Danielle Gruen

The two biggest challenges are deciding what you want to do as a career and then building the career you deserve once you decide.

I discuss the Career Compass method of discovering your career wants, needs and desires and then using various social media tools to show people “What you do and how well you do it”


So, I’m giving you a real quick overview of the Career Compass. I also have a little booklet I wrote on it. I’ve given talks on this that I can link up for Danielle, if you want any further thing on it. But the goal here is truly to bring out those issues that already exist in your life and career that, perhaps, you haven’t been paying attention to. When you start talking about it in generalities like gardening or music or whatever people seem to be more able and more willing to actually consider them a possibility. When you start talking about “I’m going to be a pop singer. I’m going to be a celebrity pop singer.” Well, you know that’s a lottery. Only this many people ever get to the level of a Lady Gaga or, a Justin Bieber. That’s not what it’s about. It’s about pursuing the interest in music. It’s about pursuing the interest in podcasting. It’s about pursing the interest in writing about whatever.

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