Relating to those in transition from “It’s Your Career, After All 2015” with Douglas E. Welch [Audio Clip]

A Clip from “It’s Your Career, After All” with Douglas E. Welch from the Career Opportunities Podcast

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Relating to those in transition from

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Douglas E. Welch ( presents to the class Career Development – Theories and Techniques at Pepperdine Graduate School of Education & Psychology taught by fellow CareerCamp Co-Chair, Danielle Gruen


As a career columnist — as a career person — I get a lot of questions and I hear a lot of sob stories, up to and including, near-physical and surely, mental abuse in people’s jobs. You don’t need to do this. And the first things I say to them is, “You need to go back and figure out what you want, because, right now, you’re letting everybody else tell you what you want. So, you need to go do this thinking to really delve in — even myself — I’m — two years ago, I had a minor surgery, kind of knocked me off my feet. I was working as a computer consultant full time and I decided that I’d come to the end of that career. That event was — I had been planning it anyway, but when that happened, it was like “Nggh. I’m done doing that day-to-day computer work.” But, then it’s like, well, what do you do next? So, over the last 2 years, I have actually spent a lot of time doing and thinking and trying, poking and prodding and all this other stuff, so I think it helps me to relate to people in some ways of people going through a transition — people trying to figure out what that next step is in life.   

Previous talks for Pepperdine:

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