Archive: 5 Steps to follow before committing to anything — from the Career Opportunities Podcast

5 Steps to follow before committing to anything

Career Opportunities Logo 2012

From the Career Opportunities Archives…

We make commitments, large and small, every day, but one easy way to destroy your reputation and your career is to fail to deliver on these commitments. In passing we might say, “Oh, yeah, I’ll take care of that” only to forget about it until the deadline is dangerously close. Those around you will quickly discover that you don’t live up to your commitments. Then you and your work will be marginalized and you will come to be seen as someone who cannot be trusted. I am sure you can see where this might lead.

So, if commitments are so important we must work very hard to only accept commitments we are willing and able to carry out. We must avoid the knee jerk response of “Yeah, I’ll handle that” and replace it with more considered thought. If we don’t, we risk trapping ourselves in commitments we don’t want or can’t deliver. Even worse, trying to live up to all these unwanted commitments can hamper the more important work we want and need to do.

Read this entire column – 5 Steps to follow before committing to anything

Listen to this Podcast

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