Video: Perversion of the meaning of success from “What is success…and why you might have it already?”

A definition of success from “What is success…and why you might have it already?”

A short clip from this longer presentation

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Video: Perversion of the meaning of success from



You may want more things. You may want more money. You may want more power. These are just higher levels of success. They are not success itself. The problem is, there has been a perversion of the term success in today’s society. Success no longer means what it used to mean. In the past, people felt that if they had a roof over their head, food in their pot, and their family were safe — and I’ll add on to that — good work to do — they were successful. The men returning from World War II were extremely happy after years of depression to have a nice suburban home, a grill in the back yard, a greta job working at the factory, sending their kids to college. They were successful. The small businessperson on Main Street supporting his family running the mercantile shop on Main Street was successful and they knew it. They were respected in their community. They were respected in their family. Unfortunately, now, modern celebrity has perverted the term success. Nowadays, we like to believe that if we are not Madonna, we’re not P Diddy, we’re not (name your celebrity here) — we’re nothing. There are no levels of success anymore. There is nothing between no one and successful.

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