Video: Lead By Solving Big Problems from “A Year of Leadership”

Lead to solve big problems from A Year of Leadership

From “A Year of Leadership” – Career Opportunities Podcast with Douglas E. Welch)

Watch this entire presentation


Solve an intractable problem in the company. Take the customer support complaints you’re getting — and take the biggest question you get every day. Say you’re working on a help desk. Take the biggest question you get every day and solve it! Make it go away! Make it so the number of of calls you receive on that particular problem drop to as close to zero as you can get. That’s leadership and that’s an important thing to do for your company. Because it is going to free up all sorts of energy. It’s going to free up all sorts of money and people are going to look at it and say, “Wow! He solved — she solved — that problem?!?! Oh my god, this person must be really on the ball!” Because they’ve been starting at that same problem for months, years, whatever and never, either never identified the problem or never figured out a way to solve it. So, step up again. If you see a solution to an intractable problem like that, take advantage of it. Step in!

Douglas is writer and host of Career Opportunities, a long running column and podcast dedicated to “Helping to Build the Career You Deserve!” Career Opportunities began in 1997 as a magazine column and expanded to a podcast in 2004. Douglas is also a New Media Consultant, Technology and Career Consultant with over 30 years experience in high-tech. You can find all of Douglas’ work at

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