Video: Leadership is part of our DNA from “A Year of Leadership”

Leadership dna

From “A Year of Leadership” – Career Opportunities Podcast with Douglas E. Welch)

Watch this entire presentation



“Leadership is part of our DNA — part of us. Go back to the earliest history of many and you will see someone there practicing leadership. They had to. It was a survival skill. Leadership meant that they were able to live from one season to the next — from one day to the next. They had to stand up and lead their own lives and/or surround themselves with other leaders as well.”

Douglas is writer and host of Career Opportunities, a long running column and podcast dedicated to “Helping to Build the Career You Deserve!” Career Opportunities began in 1997 as a magazine column and expanded to a podcast in 2004. Douglas is also a New Media Consultant, Technology and Career Consultant with over 30 years experience in high-tech. You can find all of Douglas’ work at

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