A little but of this. A little bit of that. – End of the Day for June 16, 2014

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Summer has finally arrived for us and with it all the errands and tasks we neglected for the last 9 months. I hate it when we run out of time to do anything but the necessities, but that seems to be the way that life is these days. Sure, we’ll fix and any large problems that can’t wait, but little things — refreshing the paint in a room, weeding in the garden, shopping for some new clothes — all fall by the wayside and suddenly catch up with us now.

Rosanne goes into “nesting” mode almost immediately once her school schedule ends. Everything gets washed, changed, swept, moved whatever in a whirlwind of activity. Luckily, I get caught up in it, too. I repaired 2 soaker hoses today, made a CostCo run and even took Rosanne to buy her a 28th wedding anniversary present — we were married on June 20, 1986. After being married for so many years, I think it is best to get her something she likes, and something that fits, rather than surprise her with something that is neither. We even walked around the mall a bit, adding a bit of exercise to our day.

Mag park movies

I guess it is for the best that we get some time to catch up on life each year. We can’t do Spring Cleaning, but Summer Stuff is probably a better description. We’ll have some fun along the way, something that is easier now that Joe is older. It is actually beneficial to us that he has a girlfriend, too, as their “dates” often become excuses for our own night out. If we have to take them somewhere, or pick them up, we will try to find a nearby area where we can spend some time walking, shopping, etc. Downtown Burbank has become familiar to us again, since we spend so much time in that direction due to school and such. We’ll probably end visiting Magnolia Park’s end-of-the-month “Ladies Night Out” event again this month and I just saw info on some free outdoor movies they are also doing. This neighborhood has become a real hot spot for events since we lived nearby in North Hollywood. It is giving us some nice chances to just go and hang out for a few hours and an excuse to visit the Monte Carlo Deli for some of our favorite Italian foodstuffs.

Summer is shaping up nicely and I am greatly looking forward to it. We all need a little recharge time for sure!


Previously on End of the Day:

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