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Sunday, July 06, 2008

Red Pig Tools - Handmade Garden Tools

Kathy Purdy over at Cold Climate Gardening added a link to Red Pig Tools to her Delicious bookmarks and I found it very interesting. Handmade garden tools in this day and age? Who would have thought. Their prices look pretty reasonable, too.

Red Pig Tools describe themselves on their web site...

"At Red Pig Tools, we make garden tools the old fashioned way - by hand. We use steel, fire, an anvil and good honest sweat. These hand crafted tools are stronger, sharper, and will last longer than any others you can buy."

Link: Red Pig Tools


Blogger Kathy said...

A long time ago they were in California as Denman & Co. and I had purchased some gardening pants with wonderful knee pad inserts. I tracked them down to get another pair of those pants, but, alas! they no longer sell them.

6:10 PM  
Blogger Bobbi said...

Wow - what a neat broadfork! I'll have to check that site out. Thanks!

7:15 PM  

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