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Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Weekend Project: Build a bird feeder

Here's a couple of quick projects to attract wildlife to your garden. Birdfeeders need not be pretty to be effective. Witness the ugly, yet functional, pole feeder that still sits outside my window, which I built from scraps 10 years ago when we first moved into this house. Its pole has rotted off at least once and the top is threatening to collapse under the weight of our well-fed squirrels. (SMILE)

So I guess that the coming demise of this feeder has me looking for alternatives. Something that doesn't cost $100 or more.

Weekend Project: Build a bird feeder

Lowe's has posted a guide for building a bird feeder from wood scraps you've got let over from other handy-man jobs.

Whether you're feeding birds for the winter or attracting them to your yard in the spring, these feeders are a great way to recycle your shop scraps. This also makes a great project to share with a child.

With spring just around the corner, this should make for a nice project that'll bring some birds to the backyard.

(Via Lifehacker.)

Related: Previous mentions of bird feeders
Link: Bird Feeder Items from Amazon.com

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