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Thursday, March 02, 2006

Passionflower seeds did not germinate

Sprouting Passiflora SeedsI didn't realize that it had been over a month until I checked the date on the original post, but my passionflower germination test has ended. Whether it was due the non-viability of the seeds or some ineptitude on my part, none of the seeds germinated.

I don't know how old the seed pod was, but it is a very good possibility that the seeds had simply dried out too much. When I checked today I noticed the beginning of fungal growth on the seeds, so I assume they were on their way to rotting instead of sprouting.

This does prove the rule, though, that you should always do a germination test on any suspect seed before you jump headlong into any planting project.

Link: Previous mentions of Passionflower
Link: Book: Passiflora by Torsten Ulme

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