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Sunday, October 19, 2003

Small beauty in big places

When walking about the Getty Center, one expects to be surrounded by beauty. The architecture is overwhelming and inspiring at the same time, the art within is some of the best in the world and the gardens are admired around the world.

Still, I was surprised while walking along a rather nondescript, even passageway-like, area on my way to the central garden when this planting caught my eye.

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I must admit, I am a fan of purple. Still, the way these simple containers glowed in the afternoon sun was amazing. There are no fancy plants here, no fancy containers, just a considered juxtaposition of material. The contrast between the cool greens and the hot purples balance the composition. Simplicity is usually best and this unknown gardener seems to have taken that philosophy to heart.

For my thoughts on a past visit to the Getty, here is a previous AGN entry.


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