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Friday, October 10, 2003

Trellis rebuild

Now that the wisteria is starting to drop its leaves, it is time to consider rebuilding the trellis on which it lives. The posts and frame are sturdy and shouldn't need to be replaced. The top of the trellis is simply lattice laid across a 2x4 frame. This lattice is falling apart and I was thinking about simply replacing it with new lattice. Yesterday, though, I got a better idea. I think I want to replace the lattice on top with more decorative arrangement in the style of a pergola. This could be done with more 2x4s, cutting decorative designs on each end. I have started looking for various examples of pergolas to see if there are any designed I might be able to "borrow" for my design. If you have any ideas, please send me a URL so I can check them out.

I will try and get some pictures during the day tomorrow ( I ran out of light today) so you can get a better idea of what I am talking about.


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