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Saturday, October 11, 2003

More trellis info/Shade Garden

I finally got around to taking some pictures of the wisteria trellis today. I am still feeling a bit under the weather with a persistent cold, but I still try to do something with my day, even if is something as small as getting pictures and posting here.

Click the picture for photo gallery

I had thought about removing the lattice panels on the side of the trellis, as well, but my wife likes the look of them. The wisteria does tend to try and rip them apart, though, so they may have to go eventually.

At the end of the photo gallery you will also find some pictures of my shade garden, otherwise known as the barren area where nothing will grow. The heavy shade cover, bad soil and tremendous amount of tree roots really give me problems back there. A few years ago, I planted some shade azaleas and gardenias, but they are all stunted and barely holding on at this point.

I have though about creating a raised bed in this area to combat the problems listed above. It would be a lot of work, but might yield better results than the current effort.

As always, any comments and ideas are greatly appreciated.


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