Vintage Botanical Print - 80 in a series - Solanum campanulatum from The floral cabinet and magazine of exotic botany (1837)

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This very distinct and showy species of Solanum, with a bell-shaped corolla (an unusual form for a Solanum), will doubtless form an interesting addition to those at present in cultivation. It grows about 2^ feet high (such at least was the height of the plant from which our drawing was taken), and is covered on all sides with sharp setaceous prickles, the greater portion of which are confined to the stem and the calyx. We are doubtful whether this plant be the same which Dr. Brown has described in his Prodromus, and on that account we have not altered the specific name ” campanulatum;”” we should however rather expect it to be different, as he has described the stem of his plant ” caule herbaceo,” and states it to be an annual, whilst ours is certainly suffruticose.

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