Historical Garden Books – 72 in a series – The California horticulturist and floral magazine (1870) by Bay District Horticultural Society

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Historical Garden Books - 72 in a series - The California horticulturist and floral magazine (1870) by Bay District Horticultural Society

Historical Garden Books - 72 in a series - The California horticulturist and floral magazine (1870) by Bay District Horticultural Society

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It is but right that the projectors of any new undertaking in the field of journalism, should, in making their appearance before the public, give as far as possible an insight into their ultimate end and aim, state what they propose to accomplish, and also the means at hand for its successful issue. In endeavoring to place a horticultural journal before the public of California, we may be accused of a rash act, and, no doubt, if we thought as the majority do, such might be the case. It shall be our province to show the aforesaid majority that they are wrong and we are right. Encouraged by this belief, and also in the belief of an actual need for a publication such as we propose to issue, we, with all due deference, lay before the public the first number of the “California Horticulturist.”

An extended and practical intercourse with all classes of cultivators of the soil, from the landed proprietor of two or three flower-pots to the possessor of hundreds of acres, has long since convinced us of the pressing necessity for a medium, through which all might set iorth their experiences, observations and ideas on the horticulture and agriculture of the Pacific coast. The circumstances under which every cultivator finds himself placed, whether the experienced agriculturist from distant parts of the world, or the amateur, just initiating a flower-bed, render not only desirable, but absolutely necessary, that all the local information possible to. be attained should be laid before him; and that it should be so arranged as to be of practical use and value to him in his occupation. It is this idea which has led us to the publication of this journal, as the long needed medium.

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