Historical Garden Books – 70 in a series – The Cottage gardener v.1 (1849)

Historical Garden Books - 70 in a series - The Cottage gardener  v.1 (1849)

Historical Garden Books - 70 in a series - The Cottage gardener  v.1 (1849)

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Heartily, though briefly, will we thank you for the support you have bestowed upon us ; and for having thus enabled us to complete the First Volume of The Cottage Gardener so prosperously as to leave us without any anxiety but how to render its future pages still more useful. To effect this, no effort on our part shall be absent ; and if, to sustain this effort, we obtain your continued patronage, and that blessing without which the pen and the spade are plied in vain, we shall effectively pursue our course through years to come, rejoicing at our success in diffusing, among even the humblest cultivators of our native islands, sound Practice, guided by Science, and not untinted by Eehgion.


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