Italian Artist Creates Incredible Works of Art From Spilled Coffee via My Modern Met [Shared]

Italian Artist Creates Incredible Works of Art From Spilled Coffee

Italian Artist Creates Incredible Works of Art From Spilled Coffee

Italians are known for their love of coffee, but while most enjoy espresso for its taste, artist Giulia Bernardelli appreciates it for its creative potential. She turns spilled coffee into works of art that look like detailed watercolor paintings.

Many of us start our day with a cup of joe, but Bernardelli indulges in a dose of inspiration, too. The artist’s Instagram bio reads, “My future starts when I wake up every morning. Every day I find something creative to do with my life.” Bernardelli’s journey to creating coffee art began by chance. One day, the artist accidentally spilled coffee over her canvas as she was working. But rather than clean it up, Bernardelli grabbed a spoon and used it to guide the brown liquid around the white space.

Read Italian Artist Creates Incredible Works of Art From Spilled Coffee

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