Historical Cooking Books – 43 in a series – Cups and their customs by George Edwin Roberts (1863)

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Historical Cooking Books – 43 in a series – Cups and their customs by George Edwin Roberts (1863)

Historical Cooking Books - 43 in a series - Cups and their customs by  George Edwin Roberts (1863)

Historical Cooking Books - 43 in a series - Cups and their customs by  George Edwin Roberts (1863)

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The principal object of these pages is to furnisli a collection of recipes for the brewing of com- pound drinks, technically termed ” Cups/’ all of which have been selected with the most scrupu- lous attention to the rules of gastronomy, and their virtues tested and approved by repeated trials. These we are inclined to put into type, from a belief that, if they were more generally adopted, it would be the means of getting rid of a great deal of that stereotyped drinking which at present holds sway at the festive boards of England. In doing this, we have endeavoured to simplify the matter as much as possible, adding such hints and remarks as may prove serviceable to the uninitiated, whilst we have discarded a goodly number of modern com- pounds as unpalatable and unscientific. As, in this age of progress, most things are raised to the position of a science, we see no reason why

Bacclianology (if the term please our readers) should not hold a respectable place, and be entitled to its due mead of praise ; so, by way of introduction, we have ventured to take a cursory glance at the customs which have been attached to drinking from the earliest periods to the present time. This, however, we set forth as no elaborate history, but only as an arrange- ment of such scraps as have from time to time fallen in our way, and have helped us to form ideas of the social manners of bygone times.

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