Checklist – 7 Prompts to Help you Pause and Take Better Photos via Digital Photography School

Most times my photography is a haphazard affair — simply shooting whatever appears in front of me and hoping for the best. There are times, however, when I like to take a little more time and pay a little more attention and try to come ups with photos that are closer to the “art” end of the spectrum. Checklists — like this one — give me thinking points to make me slow down and consider what I am trying to do when I take photos and, hopefully, improve their quality. How about you? What do you do help you take better, thoughtful, considered photos? Do these tips help? Let me know in the comments! – Douglas
Photography is one of those professions or hobbies that you simply need to practice in order to improve. Once you have learned the basics and the theory, it is as much about trial and error as anything that you can read in books. With that practice comes experience which, over time, becomes almost like your blueprint for taking photos. The more you practice the quicker you learn and ultimately it all works subconsciously. To start you off on your process, here are 7 questions to ask yourself before you take a photo.
Read Checklist – 7 Prompts to Help you Pause and Take Better Photos via Digital Photography School

An interesting link found among my daily reading

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