Quora Questions: What are some tips for getting the most relevant insights of a good book?

What are some tips for getting the most relevant insights of a good book?

Click the link above to read all answers. Here is mine…

"My favorite method is to make sure my journal is close at hand when reading so that I can immediately note ideas that come to mind while I am reading. You can do this digitally or on paper as long as you can easily find the info when you want it. The simple act of taking note of ideas and thoughts as you are reading almost guarantee that you will remember the relevant insights.

My paper journals are used from both directions, from front to back they are a chronological journal. From back to front they are a series of pages dedicated to various blogs, organization and topics. This allows me to make full use of a given paper journal without wasting pages.

As I am reading a book I might come up with an idea that would make a good topic for my Career Opportunities blod and podcast. That idea would go on the topic page for the blog. If an idea doesn't seem to apply to a particular topic, I note it in the chronological journal along with any other ideas or thoughts that might occur to me. In this way I can capture general information and also specific ideas I can immediately put to use."

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