Author Archives: Douglas E. Welch

Most of us undervalue our knowledge – Podcast

This weekend was the 4th of our free CareerCamp unconferences here in the Los Angeles area. You can learn more about what happened there on the website at My first session of the day was a breakout discussion on … Continue reading

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Too much can’t – Podcast

I must confess that I didn’t watch the launch of the final Space Shuttle mission today. I couldn’t bring myself to be in a celebratory mood since I see today’s launch as yet another step in a long list of … Continue reading

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Time for a review – Podcast

Ah, the sweet smells and sounds of Summer are here. Hopefully, the pressures of life and work have eased up a bit, at least for the next few weeks. With my wife teaching at colleges full time and a son … Continue reading

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Networking means conversations, not collecting business cards — from the Career Opportunities Podcast

I have often said that I have some of my best ideas when I am talking with others. This seemed to be in effect this week when I was involved in the online Twitter chat #careerchat. As part of the … Continue reading

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[Tip] Video: 29 Ways to Stay Creative (1:50)

Get a jolt of support this morning with this short video – 29 ways to stay creative. I do most of them, but could certainly do better at others. What are you going to create today? 29 WAYS TO STAY … Continue reading

Posted in Elsewhere, Tips, Video | 1 Comment

#Trust30 Day 10: You are responsible for your own happiness and capable of achieving it!

I am writing a blog post each day as part of the #Trust30 project on my personal blog, My Word. Today’s prompt and response also relates well to you and your career, so I wanted to share it here. — … Continue reading

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CareerCampSCV Discussion Session and Presentation

Now that I have scheduled our big trip to visit my wife’s family in Sicily, I am assured that I will be in town for the second edition of CareerCampSCV on July 16, 2011 in Santa Clarita, California. The College … Continue reading

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It doesn’t take permission to do good work – Podcast

Watching your child move through their school years can always be quite illuminating. It brings back memories of your own childhood while also allowing you to learn a bit more from these experiences than you ever did as a child. … Continue reading

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Helping others help you from the Career Opportunities Podcast

All of us need a little help in our careers. We need guidance. We need advice. We need support. Unfortunately, many of us don’t know how to help others help us. We often go about asking for help in odd … Continue reading

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Douglas is coming to Cleveland, Ohio on May 11, 2011

I am going to be in Cleveland, Ohio (and my hometown of New London) from Wed, May 11, 2011 to Sunday, May 15, 2011 to kick off Saturday6,  a new, garden blog project with Troy-Bilt. As I am arriving a … Continue reading

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