Archive: Wasted Time – March 4, 2005

(This podcast is pulled “from the archives” and presented here as a service to more recent listeners — Douglas)

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Eight hours a day, 40 hours a week, 2400 minutes to get something done. While I know that many of you are working many more hours each week, we all have the same problem. Unlike hard packaged goods, our product…the thing we sell…has an expiration date. Even the baker can sell “day-old” bread and cupcakes, but as consultants once our billable hours pass, they are gone forever. An unbilled hour passed is an hour (and many dollars) lost. One can’t help but be concerned with these hours and how more of them can be turned into productive “sales” instead of “wasted time.”

This Friday: April 4, 2008: Don’t air your troubles in public

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